Well this is the week the kids have off so we found ourselves in a perdicatment because without school there isnt much to do. We went on a hike out in the woods and explored and it was beautiful but cold. Emilie and her older sister took me and alyssa to Luleå this week too which is kinda like chicago only smaller colder and the stores are more expensive but the malls were really cool to walk through. It kinda sucks being the only guy in my group because i do feel slightly secluded and left out in some things that go on but ive been making guy friends which i am very thankful for. Today is halloween and grottan but no one really dresses up but in honour of the occasion i plan to stuff myself with candy as i always have done and will continue to do. I need to start ordering more books to entertain myself because i am watching to many movies. We get to see some northern lights here and that is so cool to see. Anyway i am ranting but i will try and write more later. in peace,
-Samuel j. Miller